Proxy-Seller的独享、ISP、移动代理 - 永远不会被阻止

ProxyRack is an Australian based company, established in 2012. ProxyRack is a rotating proxy provider offering residential rotating proxies, USA datacenter rotating proxies, and mixed datacenter rotating proxies. They process more than 50 million page requests every day! They're also known for powering some of the biggest data mining companies around the world. The primary service that they offer is the residential rotating proxies, which are also named the 住宅 Backconnnect 代理. In terms of customer service, they offer a few phone numbers that you can call in order to get in touch with them. It doesn't seem like there is any other way to get ahold of a customer service representative, which to me does seem to be a bit of an issue. Having a email or ticket based system would be more reliable.


The Residential Backconnnect Proxies can work with any kind of proxy software that are supported by SOCKS or HTTPS. The system automatically accepts all protocols including HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS4 and SOCKS5. These packages are best for data mining and casually browsing the web. The speeds are about average for your standard proxy service, so it should do fine for tasks and procedures that aren't overly complex.

通过购买其系统的访问权限,您可以立即访问 108,000 多个独一无二的私人住宅 IP 地址。与其他 backconnnect 代理服务提供商ProxyRack 拥有持续增长的 IP 基础和超过 108,000+ 个 IP 地址的庞大资源库。他们的代理网络可能是市场上最广泛的,而且还在不断增加!这样做的好处是,您的互联网使用情况几乎不可能被追踪到,您使用被禁止或滥用的服务器的可能性也非常小。

Proxyrack 住宅 IP 代理的价格计划

轮换 Residenta IP 代理

They accept payments in both PayPal and Bitcoin, which are generally the most popular ways to pay for proxy services. So you shouldn't have any issue with payment. All of their IP addresses are routed through a cloud server, which allows you to access IPs from over 40+ different countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Russia, the Middle East and so on. Keep in mind that with the package, you only have limited control over where your geographic IP address is. These plans are better suited for users who don't care as much about where their proxy servers are located. If you need your IPs to ping from a specific location, then consider purchasing one of their other packages.

Proxyrack GEO 位置


访问 108,000 多个 IP,通过 代理网关

ProxyRack 提供两种在 IP 池中轮换 IP 地址的方法。

proxyrack 网络如何工作

  • 根据要求轮换 IP.他们的代理网关云服务器允许您通过一个端口进行连接,每次连接都会自动使用一个新的 IP 地址。使用这种方法,您永远不必担心切换 IP 地址的问题,因为它会自动处理,而您的 IP 地址永远不会改变。这使得它可以非常简单地与各种软件和网站一起使用。

港口 222 - 每次连接都会自动分配一个新的随机 IP 地址

  • IP 每 10 分钟轮换一次。 他们的代理网关云服务器允许您通过其端口进行连接,每隔 10 分钟,IP:端口就会连接到另一个代理节点,以更换新的 IP 地址。 但我找不到在哪里订购这个软件包!

1251 号港口 - 在切换前使用分配的唯一输出 IP 地址 10 分钟

This system is very unique compared to other competing proxy services. Most proxy providers offer a package with a fixed amount of proxy servers that are changed/rotated at the end of the month, so that you're not using the same IP address for too long. With ProxyRack, you're instead only ever seeing one IP address on your end, which makes managing your software and programs much easier, while also being given access to over 100,000 thousand proxy addresses at a time. So not only is it a simpler process on the user's end, it's much more secure and private.

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一般来说,他们的代理服务器可以与任何支持 HTTP(s)或 袜子代理.

Below is a list of software that we have either personally tested their proxies with or have had users report that the software is working perfectly fine with ProxyRack's proxies.

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ProxyRack offers datacenter rotating proxies as well. These proxies are better suited for more serious use cases than the residential rotating proxies. They offer faster speeds, better reliability, and higher compatibility. While they can be used for more casual uses, like simply browsing the web, they're intended for more intensive use, like data mining. Because of this, they are a little more expensive than their residential counterparts, but this is to be expected.


1. 美国数据中心代理

美国数据中心轮流使用 HTTPS 代理服务器2. 混合数据中心代理

混合数据中心 轮流使用 HTTPS 代理服务器

混合数据中心代理程序包使用的数据中心代理与 专用反向连接代理 由 Storm Proxies 提供 和 旋转私人代理 由 BlazingSeollc 提供.美国套餐只包括位于美国的 IP 地址,而混合套餐则提供来自世界各地的地址。因此,根据您的需求,选择其中一种会比另一种更好。

数据中心代理服务器要比住宅旋转代理服务器快得多。 The speed varies a lot when using the residential proxies, and they are not considered fast when compared to datacenter proxies. This is because they mostly come from residential IPs and are shared amongst all their users. And anytime you're sharing an IP address with other users, your speed will be slower.

一些数据中心代理也可能被 Google 等大牌网站屏蔽。要了解原因,我建议您阅读这篇文章: 数据中心IP VS 住宅IP代理服务器.

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  1. 用户名/密码验证

使用 ProxyRack 用户名和密码登录会员区

  1. IP 白名单

它们最多允许四个不同的 IP 地址进入白名单,可在代理配置文件页面上进行设置。

如果您更改了密码或添加了新的 IP 地址进行身份验证,我们的服务器可能需要 15 分钟才能反映出来,请注意这一点。

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我们对 ProxyRack 的评论

可以说,ProxyRack 兼容各种设备和软件。他们的系统非常简单,易于所有潜在和现有客户使用。设置过程非常简单。设计简单,即使是新用户也能使用。简而言之,ProxyRack 非常易于使用。

他们的服务提供 14 天退款保证、 这是一个很好的支持;其他大多数服务最多提供 7 天退款保证。ProxyRack 团队主要专注于住宅轮流代理、 现在还提供 住宅 VPN.

旋转 住宅代理 最大连接数  价格
标准套餐 50 $40
精英套餐 100 $60
大师套餐 200 $120

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因此,如果您需要为您的搜索引擎优化工具或其他数据项目使用住宅旋转代理,ProxyRack 正是您的不二之选!





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