在一般情况下,要知道哪种代理最适合您的特定需求是一件很有挑战性的事情。因此,在本文中,我们将深入探讨市场上最新的代理之一: 火星探测器让您真正了解他们提供的服务。
- 提供超过 25 万个未被禁用的住宅 IP 地址
- 直观的仪表板可管理您的订单和流量使用情况
- 丰富的地理定位选项(全球 190 个地点)
- 支持 IP 和用户:通行证验证
- 24 小时退款保证和强大的客户支持
最新的英国提供商是 MarsProxies,专门为特定用途提供特定代理服务器。MarsProxies 并没有试图面面俱到,而是专注于做好一件事--提供数据中心和住宅代理。他们的重要基础设施可为网上购物、市场研究和运动鞋机器人提供高速代理。
本评论将强调所有这些代理类型的共同特点,并重点关注 MarsProxies 提供的性能和安全方面,以帮助您做出正确的选择。
So the question is – Is MarsProxies's service good? Read the detailed review below to find out!
对于代理服务器提供商来说,最重要的一点是他们所提供的可用代理服务器的类型和数量,因此我们的评测就从这里开始。MarsProxies 主要提供五种代理服务:
- 黑曜石
- 耐克黑曜石色
- 超级住宅区
- 零售黑曜石
每个代理都针对特定的使用情况。例如,Obsidian 代理服务器更通用,而 Nike Obsidian 代理服务器则针对 Nike 运动鞋机器人进行了优化。
他们的 ISP 代理服务器非常适合在您需要额外的匿名性时使用,而且被代理服务器发现的几率最小。
Retail Obsidian proxies are perhaps the most intriguing, offering tailored compatibility with popular shopping sites like Amazon, ALDI's, MediaMarket, etc.
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订购新代理只需从左侧菜单中选择所需的代理,输入详细信息,然后点击 "付款 "按钮即可。
存款更加简单。选择仪表板顶部的 "存款 "按钮,输入付款信息并点击 "付款"。您可以使用信用卡或比特币存款,存款最快可在一小时内处理完毕。
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MarsProxies also allows users to participate in an affiliate linking program, available from your dashboard menu. When customers place an order using your unique affiliate URL, you'll earn a percentage commission on the sale. The commission was 10% at the time of this review.
联属会员机会对 MarsProxies 及其用户来说是一个很好的双赢机会。
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Even the best prices and availability won't matter much if performance is lackluster. Just as most people want to test drive a vehicle before purchase, it's often helpful to test drive proxies to see how they work.
So how do MarsProxies perform? We took a random sampling of proxies from the United States, Germany, and Italy and compared the results of several performance tests. We examined each proxy's speed, response time (ping), and security.
我们的测试连接最高下载速度为 200 Mbps,最高上传速度为 20 Mbps。测试系统与邻近城市服务器的平均 ping 为 7 毫秒。
我们首先测试了位于美国加利福尼亚州的数据中心 Obsidian 代理。该代理的平均下载速度为 66.8 Mbps,平均上传速度为 8.3 Mbps。Ping 时间在 67 至 82 毫秒之间波动,平均延迟为 79 毫秒。
接下来,我们尝试了德国黑森州的 ISP 代理。出乎我们意料的是,它的得分与加利福尼亚州的代理相差无几。下载速度中位数为 67.2 Mbps,上传速度为 5.5 Mbps。平均 ping 时间为 126 毫秒。
最后,我们测试了位于意大利伦巴第的 ISP 代理。结果同样令人印象深刻,只是延迟略有增加。我们看到的典型下载速度为 66.9 Mbps,上传速度为 5.9 Mbps,平均 ping 为 141 毫秒,超过了许多其他提供商所能提供的速度。
地点 | 下载(兆比特/秒) | 上传(兆比特/秒) | 平移(毫秒) |
加利福尼亚(黑曜石) | 66.8 | 8.3 | 79 |
黑森州 (ISP) | 67.2 | 5.5 | 126 |
伦巴第(ISP) | 66.9 | 5.9 | 141 |
Numbers are alright, but most people genuinely care about real-world applications. If a proxy scores wonderfully on paper but stutters during video playback, it's of little use.
对于网页浏览、视频流、下载和游戏,我们的性能都绰绰有余。例如,720p 视频只需要 5Mbps 就能流畅播放。1080p 视频的最低传输速率增加了一倍,达到 10Mbps,但仍远低于我们的平均测试速度。
Gaming would be the one variable since reaction speed depends on ping time as much as it does on bandwidth. While we are sure the bandwidth is plenty for most online games, you'll need to pay attention to which servers you choose regarding response time.
If you're a business looking for a robust proxy for demographics research for advanced botting, the performance results in our tests were also favorable. The bandwidth and throughput from all three of our test proxies seemed sufficient to sustain various bots or automation activities.
Because proxies act as intermediate relays between your device and the rest of the internet, all data you send and receive passes through them. A proxy must maintain strict security measures to be considered a trusted service. Although there's no such thing as foolproof security, users want to know that their connection and sensitive data are as safe as possible.
We performed standard port probing using Gibson Research Corporation's Shields UP service and found that all ports were stealth with the noted exception of HTTPS. A stealth port indicates that the server did not respond to any request for a connection.
通常情况下 隐秘 比仅仅关闭端口要好,因为服务器仍会承认端口已关闭。响应本身可能会向攻击者发出端口存在并可能成为攻击目标的信号。
我们测试的所有三个代理服务器上的隐身端口都表明,MarsProxies 采取了积极主动的安全措施。
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在进行本评论时,MarsProxies 支持欧元和比特币。其他地区的用户或希望获得更多隐私的用户可能应该选择比特币,否则您可能会因欧元汇率而支付额外费用。此外,如果您打算使用欧元作为外币进行购买,请向您的金融机构咨询,以避免任何额外费用。
随着 MarsProxies 不断拓展其他市场,未来可能会采用更多货币。
While we're on the subject of payments, MarsProxies has put some extra care into their pricing plans with some unique features worth mentioning.
For starters, they have a specific proxy subscription tailored for daily usage, and it's their most affordable plan at a mere €0.80 per proxy. Of course, they also offer a standard monthly plan at €1.40 per proxy. Both of these plans feature unlimited bandwidth.
除了按日和按月收费外,MarsProxies 还为其超宅代理和 ISP 代理定制了不同的计划。根据他们的网站,他们的超住宅代理计划是每 GB 3.00 欧元,而他们的 ISP 代理是每个代理 2.00 欧元。
这些价格都是目前比较有竞争力的价格,使 MarsProxies 成为一个很有吸引力的选择,尤其是对于那些预算紧张的人来说。
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If there's one area where MarsProxies comes up a bit short, it's documentation. Since they’re a fairly new provider, the lack of available information on the website may look daunting to potential clients. However, you can get guides and instructions on how to use their proxies with the most popular sneaker websites on Discord.
It might seem a bit unconventional, but MarsProxies doesn't rest on their laurels with the standard e-mail support; they also maintain a Discord server with support personnel available 24/7 to provide clients with instant answers and share useful information.
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MarsProxies 替代品
MarsProxies 可为每个人提供服务。不过,如果他们的代理服务器不适合您,这里还有一些替代方案:
1. Smartproxy
对于那些需要在不太热门的地区使用代理服务器的人来说,Smartproxy 似乎是一个不错的选择,它提供 195 个地区的 IP。
2. IPRoyal
如果你更在乎速度,IPRoyal 绝对值得考虑。他们目前提供市场上最快的数据中心代理服务器。
3. Zyte
如果您正在寻找一家专注于网络抓取的供应商,不妨考虑一下 Zyte。虽然他们的计划有点贵,但你只需为成功的请求付费。
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如果您在开始使用代理服务器时遇到困难,MarsProxies 在 Discord 上提供 24/7 全天候支持。他们会回答您的所有问题,分享有用的指南,并帮助您立即运行代理服务器!
2.MarsProxies 易于使用吗?
是的,MarsProxies 有一个非常直观的用户仪表板。即使是没有使用过代理服务器的用户也可以轻松浏览。
3.MarsProxies 支持哪些类型的身份验证?
他们的超级住宅代理服务器同时提供 IP 和用户:通行证验证。另一方面,ISP、零售、Obsidian 和 Nike Obsidian 代理只支持用户:通行证验证。
MarsProxies may be the new kid on the block, but they're checking all the right boxes and have impressive offerings.