Why Do You Need Proxies for Footsites?
As obvious as the answer to this question is, a good number of newbies only set out to make use of proxies for copping – they do not know what it is meant for. While using it is not a bad idea even without the knowledge, you can sometimes, use them wrongly or also waste your money to buy them when they are not needed.
The main reason why you will need to make use of proxies for any of the Footsites is to secure multiple pairs of the same sneakers. Footsites have a strict rule of not selling more than a pair to one person, and the effect that by using all data specific to a person, including his IP address.
If you must secure more than a pair, you will need to make use of proxies to provide your traffic alternative IP addresses. Usually, you will use the proxies alongside a Footsites bot to get the maximum result. Footsites bots are AIO bots specifically for the Footsites list of sites.
If all you need is to cop just a peer, spending money on a proxy is a waste of money – you do not need the proxy to cop a pair. However, if your target website has blacklisted your IP address, you will need a proxy.
How Many Proxies Do You Need
You might be wondering how many proxies you require to cop the number of pairs you intend to cop. Fortunately, it turns out that you do not need as many proxies as you think. As a rule of thumb, each sneaker pair will need a unique IP address. So if you need to cop 2 pairs, all that you need are two proxies.
If you are going to be making use of residential proxies, our recommended proxies, then you do not have to worry about the number of proxies you need. This is because most residential proxies manage a pool of IP addresses and rotate the IP assigned to your connection. You wouldn’t be paying for IPs but for bandwidth usage.
Does Proxies Guarantee You Success?
Proxies will not guarantee you success, no matter how compatible and fast they are. Aside from proxies, you will also have to use a sneaker bot and probably, a server. All of these will increase your chances of succeeding but provides you no guarantee.
This is because you will be competing with others using the same or even better tools you are using. How successful you depend largely on the competition and how you’re able to best it.
- Use Sneaker proxies for copping from Yeezy Supply, Nike, Supreme, Shopify.
Proxies are some of the most important requirements as far as copping multiple pairs from the same release of high on-demand sneakers from Footsites is concerned. The above-listed proxy providers have some of the best proxies for copping sneakers from Footsites.