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Best Sneaker Proxies in 2025

Do you want to cop more pairs of sneakers online? Do you want to increase your chances of winning when the releases? The sneaker proxies are the essential tools to help you submit multiple orders the one time! Read to the end to find out the Top sneaker proxy providers for sneaker bots!

Lots of guys snipe sneakers on Nike, Adidas, and Footsites using automated tools, such as Cybersole, Ghost AIO, ANB(Another Nike Bot), BNB(Better Nike Bot), and EasyCop Ultimate. Here I make a table below on what type of proxies you should use on specific websites.

  • Nike / Adidas: Residential Proxies
  • Supreme: Residential Proxies
  • Footsites: DataCenter / Residential Proxies (More recommended)
  • Shopify websites: Data Center

Residential proxies Data Center proxies
Smartproxy  – Best Overall MPP proxies – Reasonable price with Stable performance
Microleaves – Sneaker websites & GEO targeting BlazingSEO – Proxies for sneaker Sites only
Bright Data – Advance proxy service for Professional BuyProxies – For Shopify platform

#1 Mobile Proxies: Soax.io  –  Filtering City & ISP Targeting  (Editor’s Choice 2025)

In short, Only a few footsites and Shopify sites recommend to use tye datacenter IP proxies, you can read more to compare the differences.

Why use Proxies for Sneaker?

It’s easy to find the answer, If you only use 1 account for 1 sneaker, You’re no need to use the proxy, but how about if you want to use more accounts to get more limited releases?

Yes, To avoid getting blocked by the retailer websites, You should use the proxies to mask your IP address when you need to run multi-accounts at release. That’s the reason If you’re a reseller, you have to order the Proxies for shopping for lots of Sneakers.

And 1 Proxy means 1 IP, 1 IP means 1 account,1 account means 1 task for the sneaker, So, if you’re want to get more sneaker you need to get more proxies on retailer websites.

Besides proxies, you should prepare more credit cards or Paypal, And different billing addresses for all Payment information, The more the better.

Top sneaker proxy service providers

To cop multiple pairs of sneakers, you should use the fast proxy to win the game! The private proxies are usually hosted on dedicated proxy servers with 1000mbps speed. Here is the list of top sneaker proxies providers.

SOAX Review

15GB - $99

SOAX is a rotating residential and mobile proxy provider offering a reliable and cost-effective solution for both businesses and individuals. The SOAX ...

Visit Soax

Smartproxy Review

8 GB - $44 (-35%)

Smartproxy is a rotating residential IP proxy provider. It offers cheap and reliable residential proxies. You get access to the whole proxy pool with every ...

If you are looking for a provider that will provide you with all of your proxy needs ranging from high rotating residential proxies, ISP proxies, ...

Visit Proxy-Seller

SimplyNode Review

$300 (100GB) 100GB - $400

The SimplyNode proxy service is one of the providers that works but has yet to become popular among proxy users. When I heard the name, my mind went to ...

The Proxy-IPV4 service is one of those services that came into the market unannounced to some of us. Being that as it may, I discovered this provider later ...

Visit Proxy IPV4

MyPrivateProxy Review

10 proxies -$23.70

MyPrivateProxy is an all-around private proxies provider, Its Dedicated proxies are stable and guaranteed to work for your purchased purpose. Rated #1 out ...

Visit MyPrivateProxy

Proxy-Cheap Review

10 GB - $50

Proxy-Cheap.com is a new residential IP proxy provider with a massive range of different locations that has the most affordable pricing found on the proxy ...

The Oculus Proxies started as an ISP proxy service for sneaker copping. However, it has recently rebranded and moved its focus from being a ...

Visit Oculusproxies

Hydraproxy Review

$2.95 - One day plan

Hydraproxy is one of the few proxy providers in the market granular control, no minimum monetary requirement, and a large proxy pool of residential and ...

Shifter Proxy (Microleaves)

10 Ports - $125

Microleaves has been a leader in proxy services since 2012. They are a proxy provider that provides backconnect proxies, dedicated proxies, and shared proxies. ...

ProxyEmpire.io is a rotating residential proxy provider that also offers rotating mobile proxies. ProxyEmpire is a relatively new company which ...

Blazing SEO Review (Rayobyte now)

10 Proxies - $12.00

Read User Reviews Blazing Proxies was founded by Blazing SEO in 2015. Blazing SEO not only offers proxies but also OCR/text captcha solving ...

The DataImpulse proxy service is one service that sets itself apart from the others in the market with its dead cheap pricing. With only $1, you can ...

Visit DataImpulse

BuyProxies Review

10 Proxies - $20.00

BuyProxies is an old private proxies provider, without any restrictions to using their proxies! Provide great Firefox & Chrome plugins and API ...

It’s all a tough playing field now, but that It doesn’t mean impossible to secure over 20 pairs of a specific shoe still -- in fact, it makes the game that much more fun to play. IP banning is a real thing, and the only way you get around that is by utilizing proxies.

Residential proxies or Data Center proxies for copping sneaker?

About the data center proxies, These are extremely fast proxies, except they’re easy to get banned on websites such as Adidas and Supreme.

This is why they’re not always a reliable option, especially when websites can tell when you’re using a data center proxy connection. But, data center proxies should always be your choice of proxies if they are available and unbanned on the websites you need them for,  At now Shopify websites are 100% compatibility with datacenter IPs.

Shopify sites for yeezy, Kith, Bape, Bodega, Yeezysupply, DSM-Eflash...

Okay, How about the residential proxies and how are they different from the data center?

Now except Shopify platform of shoe sites, The residential proxies are our first choice! Why? Sneaker sites have increased security systems to check for the same IP address to check for duplicate orders with the same email, to give customers a captcha before hitting checkout.

For residential proxies are obtaining access to someone’s home internet provider. These type of proxies are extremely effective for websites such as Adidas, Supreme, Nike SNKRs and footsites like Footlocker, Footaction, ChampSports, Finishline...The residential IP proxy just has less of a chance because it looks like it’s coming from a legit homeowner and not some data center.

Using a residential proxy solution will give you slower ping times though when compare to datacenter proxies, The Key for those strict Sneaker sites is, The IPs are not banned or suspected by security systems!

Now it's not easy to get multiple pairs of shoes on Nike now, For store.nike.com always get chain banned IP address on the subnet, So it's hard to find the Nike proxy service online.

How can I get more limited sneakers except for Nike?

Just think out of the box, You can easily help you get desired shoes on other retailer websites, including Footlocker, Supreme, Footaction, SneakerNStuff, Eastbay, Champssports, Finishline, KB24 Store, Barneysand, EndClothing, Hanon Shop and more.

Proxies for Sneaker

Also, There're JustCopIt 4 in 1 bot( Footlocker, Footaction, Eastbay and Champs.),Supreme bot and AIO Bot you can choose.No doubt AIO Bot is the most popular tools for shopping on multiple websites, that support Almost all of the sneakers website, and lots of features: Multithreaded, Link Monitor, Auto checkout, Proxy Support and so on.

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